The State Geological, Geophysical and Mining Data Store


1. Statutory provisions 
2. Tasks, data stocks 
3. Data provision 
4. Relevant registry databases 
    4.1. Registry database of reports 
    4.2. Registry database of boreholes 
5. Contacts

Kérjük, hogy igényét a lehető legpontosabban írja meg, az alábbi adatok megadásával:

A) Fúrási dokumentációról készítendő másolat kérése esetén:
- a dokumentum adattári azonosítói:
- adattári szám és adattári jelzet („kötelező” adatok!)
- település („kötelező” adat!)
- a fúrás jele-száma („kötelező” adat!)
- a fúrás befejezésének éve
- talpmélység
- a fúrásról kért adatok típusa (geológiai rétegsor, karotázs-adatok, befejező jelentés stb.)
- az adatkérés célja (nem kötelező megadni, de ismerete segítheti a kért adatcsomag megfelelő összeállítását)
- az adatkérő neve, elérhetősége (e-mail, telefonszám) és számlázási címe
Az Adattárban elérhető fúrási dokumentációkról interaktív térképen tájékozódhat.

Figyelem: ha az adott fúrásnál mind az adattári szám, mind az adattári jelzet hiányzik, akkor arról a fúrásról nincs dokumentáció az Adattárban (ld. alább, a 4.2. pontban).

B) Jelentésről vagy egyéb dokumentumról készítendő másolat kérése esetén:
- a dokumentum adattári azonosítói:
- leltári szám 1 és leltári szám 2 („kötelező” adatok!)
- szerző(k)/szerkesztő(k)
- a készítés éve
- a dokumentum címe („kötelező” adat!)
- tároló szervezet 
- az adatkérés célja (nem kötelező megadni, de ismerete segítheti a kért adatcsomag megfelelő összeállítását)
- az adatkérő neve, elérhetősége (e-mail, telefonszám) és számlázási címe

Az Adattárban elérhető jelentésekről kereső felületen tájékozódhat. Bővebben ld. alább, a 4.1. pontban.

C) Digitális földtani-geofizikai térképekről, illetve egyéb digitális adatokról készítendő másolat kérése esetén:
- az adat megnevezése, típusa (pl. vízföldtani térkép, Bouguer-anomália térkép, magnetometriai adat, feldolgozott 2D szeizmikus adat)
- a terület pontos lehatárolása vagy a mért objektum elnevezése, amelyről térképet/adatot igényel
- mérési adatok esetén: pontszerű, szelvénymenti, gridre átszámított, vagy területi adatokat kér
- a kért adatok formátuma: raszteres térkép (pl. jpg, tiff), vektoros térkép (pl. shp, dwg), digitális rácsszerű térképi adat (pl. Surfergrd, Geosoftgrd), speciális szakmai formátum (pl. seg-y), illetve  felbontása (ha értelmezhető, pl. rácsméret vagy dpi)
- az adatkérés célja (nem kötelező megadni, de ismerete segítheti a kért adatcsomag megfelelő összeállítását)
- az adatkérő neve, elérhetősége (e-mail, telefonszám) és számlázási címe
- ha szükséges: a szakmai kapcsolattartó neve, elérhetősége

Megrendelés esetén az adattári díjszabás alapján kalkulált árajánlatot adunk, és annak elfogadása után végezzük el a kívánt szolgáltatást. (Amennyiben az igényelt adatok ingyen elérhetők - pl. a honlapunkon -, arról tájékoztatást küldünk.) A megrendelt adatokat e-mail csatolmányként, vagy más, egyeztetett módon küldjük el Önnek. 

1. Statutory provisions 

Pursuant to item p) of paragraph (1) of Section 44 of the Act No. XLVIII of 1993 on mining (hereinafter referred to as: Bt.) the “enforcement of national interest connected to the registry of data as well as the enhancement of level of exploration of the geologic medium and the mineral resources” fall within the competence of the Mining Authority. Section 25 of Bt. provides that mining entrepreneurs and anyone performing geological exploration shall submit geological data obtained in the course of exploration and exploitation to the Mining Authority.   
Section 30 of Government Decree No. 203/1998 on the implementation of Bt. (hereinafter referred to as: Vhr.) provides that the Mining Authority – acting in its competence for the level of exploration of the geologic medium and mineral resources, the assessment of geological hazards and the utilization of geological medium – “collects, manages and provides geological data generated in the course of such activities”. Appendix 4 to Vhr. (“Geological data obtained in the course of exploration and to be delivered to the Mining and Geological Survey of Hungary”) specifies the content requirements of data provision. 
Pursuant to point 5 of Section 8 of Government Decree No. 161/2017 on the Mining and Geological Survey of Hungary, data are collected and managed by the State Geological, Geophysical and Mining Data Store (hereinafter refererred to as: Data Store) operated by the Mining and Geological Survey of Hungary. 

2. Tasks, data stocks 

Basic task of the Data Store is the collection, processing, preservation and provision – in a properly regulated way – of data generated in the course of geological, geophysical explorations and mining operations, which usually require a huge deal of financial expense. The performance of tasks requires permanent development of applied data processing methods and devices. 
Continuous collection work in many decades by the Data Store and its legal predecessors as well as the compulsory data delivery provided by legal regulations, and taking over data sets from closed state companies resulted in the establishment of the largest geological, mining dataset of the country. 
Data stock of the Data Store can be divided into two main groups: 

1. Reports (exploration, methodological, field measurement, mapping and other reports, test results) including maps, cross-sections and other graphic appendices in large numbers. 

2. Borehole documentation (daily drilling reports, geological logs, well log-books, hydrogeological log-books, etc.) 

At present the stock consists of more than 175,000 reports and approx. 195,000 borehole documentations. The collection is split because beside the central stock, managed by the Department of Geological and Geophysical Data Center, also legal successors of former Mining Inspectorates (the Division for Mining Supervision as well as another four Departments of Mining Affairs at County Government Offices) as well as successors of 30 former state companies manage – based on agreement – partial stocks. 
Physical volume of stocks managed by MBFSZ – taking the storage of volumes as in upright position – exceeds 5,800 running meters. This does not contain the required storage space of separately stored A3 to A0 size maps and atlases, microfiches as well as digital data media. Documents are mainly stored on rolling cabinets, the rest is on shelves. 

3. Data provision

Considering accessibility, the majority of data managed by the Data Store are public. Exceptions are those data classified as business secret as well as data for preparation of decision. Pursuant to the provision of Section 25 of Bt. in force since 2015, data obtained in the course of exploration, shall be treated as business secret till the termination of mining rights (or till the judgement of application for the establishment of mining plot at the latest), while data obtained within the mining plot shall be considered as business secret till the termination of mining rights but, at the latest, for three years from the obligation of data report. Such restricted access data can also be got acquainted with if the owner of data gives permission. 
In the reading room of the Data Store, guidance in the collection is assisted by conventional and computerized catalogue systems (registry databases). Documents provided for inspection can be studied in the reading room, and notes can be made of them, free of charge.  Photocopies and digital copies can be requested, for a specified data service fee. Moreover, upon request, the Department of Geological and Geophysical Data Center performs  – based on given criteria – queries, data selections, and data package compilation. 
Inspection and provision of data managed by the Data Store as well as the chargeable rate of costs related to data provision are regulated – upon paragraph (5) of Section 10/B of Vhr. – by the President of MBFSZ (see Direction No. 2/2017 of the President of MBFSZ). 

4. Relevant registry databases 

Considering the characteristics of document and data stocks we developed registry databases facilitating guidence and search in data store stocks. Readers may have access to the most important databases in the reading room, while some other databases (those being under developement, and those revealing only smaller stocks) are accessed only by staff of the Data Store.  At the same time, we make efforts to make our relevant registry databases available, browsable and searchable on the internet. 
We draw your attention to the following disclaimer concerning the use of databases. 
Employees of the Mining and Geological Survey of Hungary (MBFSZ) act with the utmost care in the course of development, checking and use of databases of the Data Store, hovewer MBFSZ does not guarantee that these databases are error-free, complete, up-to-date, and accurate, and does not undertake any responsibility for any damage or loss to users that may result from the usage of data and databases of the Data Store. 

4.1. Registry database of reports 

The computerized registry of approx. 170,000 reports belonging to the stock of Data Store is a conventional bibliographical database recording authors, address, year, company, registry number and place of storage, along with numbers of pages, figures, maps, cross-sections and other annexes as well as concerned geographical regions, and, in case of foreign-related reports, ETO numbers of concerned countries. 
The query programme of the registry database is accessible also to readers on computers in the reading room. A query platform executable in web browser is being developed in co-operation with the Division of Geophysical Research, of which beta version is available here:  

4.2. Registry database of boreholes 

The registry database of boreholes is the digital version of so called ‘pink cardboard’ borehole catalogue available in the reading room. In principle, all boreholes – more than 190,000 at present – getting into the ‘field of view’ of the Data Store can be found in it. It is based on basic data extracted from the original borehole documentations. The most relevant data are: identifier and depth of borehole, year of completion, location (settlement), co-ordinates, type and goal of drilling, schematic chronostratigraphical classification of intersected rocks, basic hydrogeological data, commodities, and types of completed testings of materials. 
The query programme of registry database as well as the map of approx. 176,000 boreholes with co-ordinates in .pmf format are available also to readers on computers in the reading room. The staff of the Data Store can help readers with the programme.
In addition, a country-wide borehole location map, developed by the Division of GIS of MBFSZ and providing interactive display and query, gives an overview of the boreholes drilled in Hungary. This helps the readers to be informed in advance of the access to borehole data they are interested in. 
The country-wide borehole location map accessible on the Map Server of MBFSZ helps to review and query the location and key data of boreholes in a particular area (e.g. in the vicinity of a settlement, or a greater region). (The database does not require registration). The map cut may be interactively modified (may be zoomed out and in, slided), the background is variable (topographical base map, satellite image, etc.).  The web platform of the map database offers a query for locations as well as a text-based search. Moreover, these are applicable together.  To do so, open the ‘Combined search’ window (click the button with a magnifying glass on it on the left).  Inside, taking tab ‘Search for location’, a list of boreholes accessible for a given area delineated by an optional plane figure (e.g. rectangle, irregular polygon, shape delineated by curved line) can be produced. On tab ‘Text search’ one can specify – beside conditions for location, depth and name of borehole – if only boreholes with available documentation in the Data Store are searched (Data Store = Yes). It also can be checked if only boreholes with sample material stored in any core sample repository are looked for (Core sample repository = Yes). 
In case you are to study in the reading room the documentation of boreholes selected from the map database, please send us the compiled list of boreholes in advance – preferably in .xls(x) format to, together with the date of your planned visit. Data from the following columns shall be included on the list:  
- Location (settlement)
- Sign, number of borehole
- County 
- Inventory number at MBFSZ Data Store 
- Other MBFSZ identifier 
Based on the list on boreholes, colleagues of the Data Store prepare required documents for the given day for inspection. 

5. Opening hours, contacts

The Data Store is open between 09.00-14.00 from Monday to Thursday and 09.00 to 13.00 on Friday. New materials are delivered only on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays (on Tuesdays and Thursdays only catalogues and formerly delivered materials can be inspected). 
Address of the Data Store: 1145 Budapest, Columbus u. 17-23.


Kinga GERE desk officer in charge of data store affairs

Tel.: (+36-1) 373-1830



Mónika TÓTHNÉ SCHMIDT desk officer in charge of data store affairs concerning geophysics 

Tel.: (+36-1) 373-1842
